La fábrica anterior llevó a cabo una reunión de observación en el sitio sobre ahorro y limpieza para eliminar el desperdicio.

La fábrica anterior llevó a cabo una reunión de observación en el sitio sobre ahorro y limpieza para eliminar el desperdicio.

[Descripción resumida]A las 3:30 p. m. del 31 de diciembre de 2021, la principal fábrica celebró una reunión de gestión semanal especial y una "reunión de observación en el lugar de limpieza diligente y económica para eliminar el desperdicio". Pan Yong, vicepresidente del grupo y gerente general de la principal fábrica, presidió la reunión, y asistieron a la reunión los jefes de varios departamentos y empleados clave.

La fábrica anterior llevó a cabo una reunión de observación en el sitio sobre ahorro y limpieza para eliminar el desperdicio.

[Descripción resumida]A las 3:30 p. m. del 31 de diciembre de 2021, la principal fábrica celebró una reunión de gestión semanal especial y una "reunión de observación en el lugar de limpieza diligente y económica para eliminar el desperdicio". Pan Yong, vicepresidente del grupo y gerente general de la principal fábrica, presidió la reunión, y asistieron a la reunión los jefes de varios departamentos y empleados clave.


A las 3:30 p. m. del 31 de diciembre de 2021, la principal fábrica celebró una reunión de gestión semanal especial y una "reunión de observación en el lugar de limpieza diligente y económica para eliminar el desperdicio". Pan Yong, vicepresidente del grupo y gerente general de la principal fábrica, presidió la reunión, y asistieron a la reunión los jefes de varios departamentos y empleados clave.

En el lugar de la reunión, los grandes personajes "Reunión de observación en el lugar diligente y ahorrativa, limpieza y libre de desperdicios" son sorprendentemente llamativos. En el suelo se muestran secuencialmente los materiales de las máquinas inactivas extraídas de los rincones de cada taller. Algunos de ellos deben desecharse y otros pueden reutilizarse. .

Al comienzo de la reunión, el Sr. Pan afirmó primero la efectividad de la serie de medidas de "diligencia, economía, limpieza y eliminación de desperdicios" de octubre a diciembre. Las fugas (fugas de vapor, fugas de agua, fugas de aire comprimido, etc.) continuaron disminuyendo, el DQO del tanque de ajuste de aguas residuales disminuyó y los indicadores K de producción, como valores crecientes, continuaron mejorando. Sin embargo, el Sr. Pan también señaló que en términos de limpieza diligente y económica y eliminación de desperdicios, la gestión no es lo suficientemente refinada y todavía hay mucho espacio para mejorar en cada taller.



Regarding machine materials, Mr. Pan pointed out that many materials displayed at the conference site, such as pipes, flanges, and large and small joints, can be used. If they repurchase, it will cost extra, and these parts are scattered in the corners of the workshop. Such waste occurs because the usual work is not done carefully. For another example, in the crystal ball workshop, there is a situation in which a small amount of fibrous fruit balls and crystal balls that have been leaked are treated as waste. Seaweed is now about $2,500/ton. From seaweed to semi-finished products and finished products, it extends to the entire crystal ball. The transportation costs and processing costs have already occurred, and the invisible waste is very amazing. We still have a lot of room for improvement in the management and control of similar waste. Of course, we are also pleased to see that employees have gradually developed the awareness of eliminating waste, and the workshop is gradually forming an atmosphere of thrift, housekeeping and waste elimination.

Regarding water use, Mr. Pan pointed out, don't underestimate a faucet, the waste it produces is huge. We require workshops that can use mops to mop the floor, not to flush with water easily, or flush with water once a week. Now there have been good changes, but there is still room for improvement. For example, the crystal ball workshop produces more than 400 tons of disinfection water or secondary cleaning water every month. The current cost of sewage treatment is 5.2 yuan/ton. If recycling is done well, these costs can be saved.

In terms of electricity consumption, Mr. Pan pointed out that the electricity consumption of products is decreasing, but there is still room for improvement. The carrageenan workshop often uses compressed air to blow the ground, whether it is the fluidized bed drying of the third workshop or the fluidized bed drying of the seventh workshop, for the epoxy floor, it can be cleaned with a plastic brush, but the workers are habitual It's a waste of time to blow with compressed air. Whether it is in the semi-finished product workshop or the finished product workshop, it is possible to use a small amount of compressed air to blow the surface or roots of the equipment, but it is absolutely not allowed to use compressed air to clean the ground in a large area. The plans proposed in our management are all experienced and proved to be effective. To implement and implement them in place, the more important thing is our thinking, our cognition, whether we have a sense of saving, and whether we are willing to think of ways. Solve the problem. We must do a good job of what we can do in front of us, and improve and improve step by step through repeated efforts and repeated efforts.

Regarding steam, the moisture data of the film tested from June to August 2021 is high, but there has been no management improvement measures to follow up. By December 2021, although the moisture content of the film has been repeated, it has generally changed a lot from the original. After the moisture of the film drops, it must be well controlled, because the moisture of the film needs to consume steam to dry, we must have such a cognition.
Mr. Pan pointed out that each of us has the responsibility to do things well by doing our best and eliminate waste. We are a team, and the team must complement each other, and it is not allowed to accuse each other and shirk responsibility. No matter what position everyone is in, their current vision determines the way out in the future, especially young people, they must have pursuits and dare to take responsibility.
We must fulfill the promise of "graining and dividing grain". In the future, there will be individual performance and organizational performance in the salary system. Organizational performance reflects the company's overall operating level and is linked to the company's overall efficiency. Value contributors will be rewarded through the Sunshine Award in the December 2021 salary. Because our granary is not full, the amount is limited, and we look forward to growing more food together in the future. Of course, the sunshine is not "full". We will make a relatively reasonable arrangement based on the relative contribution. Those who take leave for more than a week in the current month, those who have been employed for less than a month, and those who have suffered similar waste and have been seriously recorded, etc. will miss this time. Chance.

Wages are earned through hard work. When we get this salary, everyone needs to ask themselves whether they have fulfilled their responsibilities. Each of us must be worthy of the responsibility on our shoulders and the company's entrustment to us. We must create value for the team in order to be respected by the team. The BLG team will never raise people who cannot create value for the team. Finally, Mr. Pan said that today is the last day of 2021. On this day of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, and to carry on the past and usher in the future, putting the management meeting on the spot is to pass on what I want to everyone. In 2022, we will rise up again and continue to hold on to it Diligent and thrifty housekeeping, hard work" style construction, continue to promote lean management, let management release greater benefits, and benefit those who create benefits. After the meeting, the production department and the equipment department reorganized the machine materials on site, put the reusable machine materials into the warehouse, and scrapped the materials to be scrapped.

Contributed by: Ding Xianxian, Zhejiang Shangfang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

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